We know, we know- it's hot out there! But did you know that once you're thirsty enough to reach for that first drink during your workout, you're already 3% dehydrated? That's right. That's why it is so vital to remain hydrated THROUGHOUT THE DAY-don't wait till you're in class to reach for that bottle of water or sports drink.
That means for women, about 2.2 liters (9 cups) of fluids per day, and men, 3 liters (about 12 cups) If you're an athlete or active, you'll need even more, especially if you train in a hot climate (think Normandy Gym). Now, if you're properly hydrated even before you get to the gym, you'll be way ahead of the game- because your endurance can be as much as 33% better during you workout! Think about that the next time you feel you can't keep up and wonder why-you're parched, dangerously so!
Now whether you drink water or a sports drink (which adds water, sodium, carbohydrates, and electrolytes) is up to you. There are plenty of studies that show the benefits of sports drinks during exercise for replenishing-you can decide which, if any suits you best. But absolutely stay away from carbonated drinks like beer, coffee, and soda, etc., because the alcohol and caffeine in these drinks draw fluid OUT of the body: the exact opposite of what your body needs when your body is under exertion.
So remember to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day and drink your water or sports drink during exercise breaks to and maximize your workouts. Your body will thank you! Especially during the hot summer months, when it's most important to reduce your core temperature by sweating, and surface temperature with the evaporation of sweat. Make sure you replenish those lost fluids to enjoy a safe, effective workout each time! See you at the gym! :)
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