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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Can't Lose Weight? Start Eating MORE!

We hear it all the time. "I'm working out a LOT, but I'm not losing any weight!" This is when we ask what you've been eating, and more often than not, you tell us you're only eating one or two meals a day-and you call that a diet! This is not only wrong, but could be bad for your health for several reasons!
If you're working out hard, your body needs more calories for fuel to keep you going, not less. These "starvation diets" actually produce the opposite of the results you want. You may be stuck in a rut with no weight loss, no matter how hard or often you work out, or you may gain weight, especially fat weight. Why? Because when you starve, your body, clever machine that it is, sends signals out that announce, "Heads up, everyone! We don't know when we're getting another meal, so be sure to store whatever you get (as fat, of course) to keep us going!"
The solution? 5-6 meals a day, spaced out is the common and most widely accepted recommendation. This gives your body a continuous supply of nutrients to use and burn most efficiently throughout the day. If you're eating enough, your body won't need to store any food as fat = you'll be burning more of those unwanted calories!
We know, we know, who has time to eat 5-6 times per day? Well, this is where discipline and proper planning come in. First, have a healthy breakfast-this is your most important meal of the day. And for in between your three square meals per day (yes, you MUST have breakfast, lunch, and dinner!), pre-package a couple of between meal snacks (tuna salad, peanut butter, small sandwich, some nuts, a protein shake- things you can eat at your desk, etc.) Then, have a "sensible" dinner. It is also recommended you make your biggest meal, your lunch meal, and your last heavy meal no later than 7pm. Why? Because you don't want your body to be struggling with digestion when its dormant or inactive (sleeping). If you must have something before bed, try a healthy smoothie or fruit/vegetable shake to tide you over.
Can you drive a car with no gas? Well, the same goes for your body! Keep it fueled for action!

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