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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Suffer from these 12 Ailments? You May Need to Detox!

Bad Breath or body odor? Consistently feeling bloated & can't lose weight? Always tired or sluggish, when you should feel fresh and relaxed? ? Do you suffer from frequent allergies? Poor digestion? Wrinkles, or aging symtoms that seem premature to you? Overly dry skin? Chronic infections or colds? Depression? Over-stressed? Bags under your eyes?
You eat alright, and you're working out, right? But still, you don't feel right. What's going on? You're intoxicated, that's what. And no, I don't mean hung over, or drunk, from last night's partying spree. I mean, your body is bogged down and intoxicated, in the literal sense. You see, we're exposing our bodies to different chemicals and toxins every day. On top of that, we're abusing bodies beyond it's normal limits. Not only are there environmental toxins like cadmium, chlorine, pesticides, chloroform, there are harmful preservatives and toxins in the foods we eat. And don't leave out the toxins produced by our own bodies, rounding out the triple threat to our well being-lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
How do we rid ourselves of these harmful substances and jump start our well being? One word- DETOX-the procedure of removing toxic chemicals or poisons that have found ways of entering and remaining in our bodies, which helps reduce and eliminate these damaging impurities. The external toxins? In our food, the water we drink, and air we breathe. The internal toxins? The toxins produced by our bodies, as by products of normal metabolic and digestive processes from our kidneys, liver, lungs and intestines that are working continuously to clean out every cell, organ and tissue. If our bodies are already removing toxins, that should be enough, right? Not anymore, because of the increasing number and frequency of toxins bombarding us. Our organs are overloaded and with time, their ability to purify our bodies is weakened. That's why we need to help cleanse internally by detoxifying on a regular basis. If we don't detox regularly, we allow these toxins to build up inside, which can wreak havoc on us, causing problems like the ones listed above.
What does it entail? Resting. Cleaning and replenishing the body from the inside out. Renewing your body's naturaly ability to cleanse itself. That's more energy for you. A cleaner colon. Cleaner stomach. Cleaner sinuses. Cleaner blood. Sleeping better. More vitality. Improved digestion. Healthier skin, hair and nails. Slow down of aging. Killing free radicals in the body-those devils! Improving your mental functions. Strengthening your body's fight against cancer cells. Beating your cravings/addictions to caffeine and sugar!
And depending on how bad your symptoms are, you can choose among different kinds of detox that may help. There are fasting detox programs, juice fasts, raw vegetable fasts, colon cleansing , fiber/psyillium husk intake, and colon hydrotherapy, to name the most popular. But the purpose of all of them is the same. To help you stay healthy fit, energetic, and youthful, both inside and out!
BONUS TIP! Subscribe to our blog today and receive our all natural Fat Flush Detox Plan by e-mail! Great information to help you kick start your detox safely and naturally!

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